What's my vehicle type?
Adults (12+)
Children (2-11)
Infants (under 2)
Kayak23 01
Kayak23 02
Kayak23 03
Kayak23 04
Kayak23 05


About Kayaking In Guernsey

The stunning coast of Guernsey is best enjoyed at sea level and kayaking will allow you to explore every nook and cranny at your own pace. Whether you are an experienced kayaker or a complete novice, Guernsey can cater for all your needs, from equipment hire to guided expeditions. Puffin Patrols on the neighbouring island of Herm will probably be the highlight of your holiday!

How To Book Kayaking In Guernsey

Outdoor Guernsey

Telephone: 01481 267627 - Mobile: 07781 130403
Email: booking@outdoorguernsey.co.uk
Website: www.outdoorguernsey.co.uk

Outdoor Guernsey Ltd are the only Channel Island activity provider to have taken part in a full AALS (Adventure Activities Licensing Service) inspection.

Available all year round. Ages 6 and above.

Adventure Sark

Telephone: 01481 267627
Email: ant@adventuresark.com
Website: www.adventuresark.gg

Explore Guernsey's little sister Sark with Adventure Sark's experts - they will navigate you through the tides, currents and show you the way to incredible caves, coves and caverns.
