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Viaer23 01
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La Viaer Marchi

1st July

About La Viaer Marchi

Organised by the National Trust of Guernsey, Lé Viaër Marchi or ‘The Old Market’ is a fun evening of traditional Guernsey food and entertainment. Running for over 40 years, this annual community gathering is in the heart of Guernsey, the island's historic Saumarez Park, brings over 6,000 people to celebrate Guernsey culture and embrace local traditions.

While local traditional singers and dancers take to the stage this event is also to celebrate new generations and is a great place to see new artists and sample the local crafts, product and produce Guernsey has to offer today.


1st July 2024


Saumarez Park, gates open 5pm

Contact Details

Telephone: 01481 255384
Email: emc@nationaltrust.gg
