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The Vintage Agricultural Show

5th August - 6th August

About the Vintage Agricultural Show

Visiting Guernsey this summer, why not take a step back in time to the 1950s and pay a visit to the Vintage Agricultural show. The weekend show just gets bigger and better every year. There are many attractions on offer including steam engines, tractor displays, military displays, classic vehicles, sheep racing, Guernsey village stalls, vintage children's entertainment including the biggest ever Galloper ride to come to Guernsey, fabulous local food vendors, beer tent, tea tent, animal tent, live music and much, much more!

There will be free parking at the site and dogs are welcome if kept on leads at all times. Please wear sensible footwear as the event takes place on agricultural fields which are uneven in places.


Saturday 5th August - 10am - 11pm

Sunday 6th August - 10am - 6.30pm


Adults (16+) £8 per day or both days for £11

Children (5 to 15) £4 per day or both days for £5

Under 5 years - free of charge


Route des Paysans - Guernsey

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Bus Routes - 93 & 94 & 60 & 61
